We meet between 19:15 to 20.45 on Wednesdays during term time in Laughton near Lewes at Shawfield, Laughton Lodge (see map for full details)
Laughton Lodge, Common Lane, Laughton, BN8 6BY
Terms are 10 weeks long and we'll be working towards a performance date to showcase our work later in the year.
We have a couple of taster events at the start of each term. You can come along to one of these for £10 to get an idea of what Soul Voices is all about. We know you'll love it, but it's always good to try something first.
Term Dates 2025
Spring Term
22nd January - 2nd April (No session on 26th February)
Summer Term
7th May - 9th July
Winter Term
24th September - 3rd December
Term Ticket - £100 for a 10 week term
I want to make sure that Soul Voices is somewhere that you will thrive. So before joining, please come along to a taster session.
Coming along to a taster session is a great way to get a feel for the community at Soul Voices before you commit to a term. You can come to the individual taster sessions listed below. Tasters Tickets are separate from your Term Ticket and they will be deducted from your term fee if you decide to join.
Next taster sessions - £10:
Spring Term 29th January 2025
Summer Term 7th May & 14th May
You can pay in advance by BACS, or on the door in cash or card but pre-booking is advised.
We meet between 19:15 to 20.45 on Wednesdays during term time in Laughton near Lewes at Shawfield, Laughton Lodge (see map for full details)
Terms are 10 weeks long and we'll be working towards a performance date to showcase our work later in the year.
We have a couple of taster events at the start of each term. You can come along to one of these for £10 to get an idea of what Soul Voices is all about. We know you'll love it, but it's always good to try something first.
Term Dates 2024
Winter Term
11th September - 4th December (no session on 2nd, 9th & 30th October)
Term Dates 2025
Spring Term
22nd January - 2nd April (No session on 19th February)
Summer Term
7th May - 9th July
Winter Term
24th September - 3rd December
All of the songs that you will learn at Soul Voices are rooted in soul music - from classics by The Beatles, The Four Seasons and Stevie Wonder to more modern songs by Sam Smith and McFly, singing together you will experience a unique sense of well-being.
As we meet each week and learn and practice new songs, your singing will improve as you learn proper vocal technique without even realising that you are doing it.
Other benefits of singing in a choir: